Artificial Intelligence Archives - Technonguide Informative Technology Guide Wed, 18 Oct 2023 13:44:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Artificial Intelligence Archives - Technonguide 32 32 How Artificial Intelligence Enhancing the Diagnosis of Major Health Problems Sat, 27 Nov 2021 02:45:14 +0000 The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has simplified many ways of living of humans.

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The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has simplified many ways of living of humans. Nowadays, AI is being used in different domains by the professionals such as medical, aeronautics, engineering, robot science, education, cyber security, logistics, and research works. These industries are using AI technology for varied purposes like education, developing AI instruments, medical diagnoses of health problems in humans, and lots more. Hence, artificial intelligence in things and machines has helped people to manipulate many significant tasks in life with ease. However, there is a great pace seen in the use of AI technology in varied fields by the professionals to complete a variety of works using AI equipment, robots, and other items as well. All in all, artificial intelligence has given answers to many things and made it possible to lower the physical work of humans at workplaces.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Industry

Nowadays, AI technology is also being used in the healthcare industry that facilitates medical professionals, doctors, and imaging specialists to do good diagnoses of many health problems in humans. Now, doctors and specialists are taking advantage of artificial intelligence in diagnosing and treating patients’ several health problems. Some common health issues can be diagnosed using AI such as cancer detection, neuron issues, physiological problems, telemedicine, spinal and back pains, and more. In all the health problems of humans, the doctors and specialists do use AI technology-enabled equipment or AI diagnoses machines that are effective to find causes of diseases in patients. Also, medical professionals take advantage of artificial intelligence in mapping health issues in humans related to their physical and mental disorders. Hence, healthcare professionals have found AI technology useful in diagnoses of health issues of humans in-depth.

Let’s take a look at some vital health problems and medical domains, where AI technology has been found effective for patients’ treatment and research works.

  1. Cancer Detection

Cancer is a critical disease in humans, which finally takes lives, if not detected on time. However, the patients need to go to immediate diagnoses, if symptoms of cancer start detected. Usually, there are many stages of cancer diseases in humans. In many cancer cases, patients do not recognize the stage of disease and they reach the doctors at the critical stage when cancer becomes incurable. But, AI technology has helped the patients to do prior detection of cancer at an early stage. In many hospitals, doctors do use AI technology for pre-screening of cancer in patients. This benefits the patients who are at low risk of cancer to detect the disease at an early stage and start treatment soon. Thus, artificial intelligence technology has helped many cancer patients to get diagnosed early to get timely treatment to get rid of the disease.

  1. AI Technology in Slip Disc and Back Pain Relief

In many ways, AI equipment and machine learning (ML) techniques have been found beneficial for relieving humans from slipped disc and back pain issues. Many pain relief doctors and specialists do use AI equipment to diagnose slip disc issues and back pain problems in patients.

In many cases, it has been seen that slip disc pain relief is possible to detect through AI technology. This method helps diagnose herniated slipped disc issues in humans. In such slip disc problem, people will start facing mild pain in the back that can lead to their neck, back and legs too. To treat such disc issues, many pain relief specialists do use varied healthcare therapies and physical movement, exercises, and postures too. These methods of treatment can give good relief in back pain to the patients if get diagnosed on time. But, the advent of AI technology has helped patients to get ultimate results for slipped disc pain relief to a major extent.

If you are suffering from slipped disc pain, you should approach the reputed pain relief clinics in Singapore. At such clinics, you will get good diagnoses and treatment of herniated slipped disc and other back pain issues through AI and radiology technology treatments. Besides, you will also get rid of slip or back pain through physical therapies and medications through treatments available at the best pain relief clinics in Singapore.

The pain relief experts use AI technology equipment in diagnosing lower back pain in humans. This method is pretty good to detect muscle rupture and tissue damage in the lower back or spine region to get treated on time. If you want to get the right diagnosis of lower back pain Singapore through AI, you should approach the reputed pain relief clinics in the country. At the best clinics, you will find standard AI technology equipment that is useful to do an accurate diagnose of lower back pain reasons. Once the doctors identify the causes of lower back pain through AI, they will find it easy to treat the patients in the best possible ways.

  1. AI Technology in Imaging Diagnostic Medical 

There is also a great revolution seen for AI in imaging diagnostic medical services too. Many medical professionals and doctors have witnessed good results of AI technology in the diagnoses of mentally ill patients. However, they have found Artificial Intelligence good enough to identify causes of mental diseases in patients. Also, they do use AI medical equipment to detect imaging or psychology of patients to recognize things and other abnormalities of tissue-based diseases. Thus, medical imaging professionals take advantage of AI technology and Magnetic Resonance (MR) technology to diagnose mentally challenged patients and identifying their mental problems to do the best treatment.

  1. AI Technology in Drug Discovery

AI technology has also been found beneficial in drug discovery and identifying its effectiveness in treating patients. In this pandemic time, many healthcare experts take the help of AI technology to discover new drugs and check their effectiveness for treating Covid-19 patients. The healthcare experts have gained good results for drug discovery cases and developed vaccines that are more than 90% effective for developing immunity in the human body to protect it from Covid-19. Thus, AI has shown impressive results in the drug or medicine industry for needy patients. It helps medical professionals and pharmaceutical industries to develop new drugs for varied human diseases.

Thus, above are some vital departments in the healthcare industry, where Artificial Intelligence has made some revolutions to diagnose health problems and treat them well. If you are suffering from any of the mental, physical, and neuron diseases and want the right diagnosis of it, you should approach the best AI diagnosis and treatment at medical centres in Singapore. At such stops, you will get complete AI diagnoses for your health problems with accurate results.

The patients suffering from vital muscles pain, back pain, and joint paints anywhere in the body, will get complete pain relief solutions at the trusted pain relief clinics in Singapore. The clinics have good arrangements for treating patients through different ways such as physical therapies, AI technology, exercises or body movements, laser therapy, and more. So, you will experience all ranges of pain relief treatments at the trusted AI clinics in Singapore at affordable charges. For more brief, you can explore websites of leading pain relief and AI diagnoses clinics in Singapore and choose the suitable treatment for your health problems wisely.

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Why do we need Artificial Intelligence? Sun, 01 Aug 2021 07:10:19 +0000 In today’s fast-paced world, more and more technological advancements have been taking place for the

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In today’s fast-paced world, more and more technological advancements have been taking place for the last few decades. Therefore, the need to act and react to the applications and make better decisions for businesses has increased over time. Artificial intelligence machines are arguably the most effective components of computer science that have become a significant contributor to the world these days.

AI implementation has increased over the past few years drastically which has given rise to several online and offline courses as well for people to pursue. AI courses focus on providing people with the basics of AI as well the theoretical knowledge of the field.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The term Artificial Intelligence was first popularized back in 1956. However, AI has become the more usable term over time. Artificial Intelligence is the most effective branch of computer science these days. It manages to do all the tasks successfully, all that requires human intelligence as the primary source of energy. The main objective of AI machines is to analyse and understand past human experiences and work upon them to not make those mistakes again.

It can very well be considered a machine-operated intelligence that opposes the phrase ‘natural intelligence’. Some people consider machines that can mimic human intelligence as ‘cognitive’ systems that have the ability to run as parallel intelligence systems.

They also have the ability to analyse more data and have deeper knowledge in less time. Therefore, they are able to come up with quick and unique solutions to several issues faced in businesses. Most online applications like Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter use artificial intelligence to make more organized and well-thought recommendations. Renowned shopping apps like Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, etc., also make the best use of artificial intelligence to make better recommendations for their customers.

How does AI work?

There are different types of AI that are used in different situations. The most common approaches AI has are Reactive Machines, Limited Memory, Theory of Mind, and Self-awareness. While the former two approaches are extensively used, the theory of mind and the self-awareness concepts are present in the scene only hypothetically.

There are a few major conceptual steps that all AI machines follow in order to function properly:

  • Thinking humanly: The first and foremost step that all AI machines have to take is to understand human actions, possess good judging capabilities and fast reaction time to situations in order to make their own decisions from a human point of view.
  • Thinking rationally: The idea of AI machines revolves around understanding human thought processes and then make decisions rationally.
  • Acting humanly: In order for the artificial intelligence machines to operate humanly, they need to first observe and learn from the human experiences and then make their own actions.
  • Acting rationally: Behavioural aspects of human beings are judged and understood thoroughly by AI operators and then rationally make decisions for the businesses in a quicker and smarter way.

Why do we need AI?

The need to have something that is smarter and faster than humans led to the level of dependence businesses have today on artificial intelligence. Some of the major reasons we need AI in today’s world are mentioned below:

  • AI machines are better at doing repetitive tasks than humans. They are quicker and more unique when it comes to any sort of monotonous workflow than humans in any field.
  • Most renowned online applications like LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram, and Twitter need Artificial Intelligence to make better and unique recommendations for their customers. In the retail world, virtual shopping apps like Flipkart and Amazon also use artificial intelligence in order to maximise their sales possibilities. It saves time for both the customers and the sellers.
  • In order for certain smart assistants like Siri and Alexa to operate properly, artificial intelligence is required. Simple Google search results are influenced by AI learnings, which leads to niched and proper information that the user might be looking for.
  • In the world of banking, artificial machines work towards enhancing speed, effectiveness, and precision. In financial institutes. AI can also detect which transactions might turn out to be a fraud and which ones are real.
  • AI has the ability to generally make the standard of living better in smart cities. Predictive maintenance is made easier with the help of artificial intelligence.
  • In the medical field, AI helps in making the lives of medical professionals easier by making rational predictions for them: Reminding them to take their pills, meditate every day and work out at a particular time in the day, or conducting a certain medical examination for a patient are some of the examples AI helps medical professionals with.
  • AI also adds intelligence to pre-existing products. For instance, Apple products, conversational platforms, and other automation software and applications are improved with the help of artificial intelligence.
  • In the manufacturing field, AI plays a huge role as well. It helps the professionals maintain a specific type of data used with sequence data with the help of its synchronizing power.

Moreover, the major aspect AI takes care of is the reduction of human error. The fact that they are machines makes sure no reaction from their side is incorrect in any situation. They are programmed properly and have been designed in a way that ensures no error is made from their part no matter what situation they are dealing with or what field of work they are working in.

Limitations of AI machines:

Although AI machines have the ability to overwhelm human beings with their faster, smarter and unique work capabilities, there are certain disadvantages as well.

The major disadvantage can be considered to be the lack of creativity that is noticed in the AI machines’ performances in every field. The fact that they analyse, understand human experiences and make their own decisions is fascinating. However, their reactions become monotonous and repetitive after a certain point of time and show their lack of creativity. It is a big issue when it comes to the question of whether AI has surpassed human intelligence yet.

Another issue that is faced by many small business owners is the huge implementation costs. Not every business owner can afford to install AI machines as it requires a huge monetary backup. Apart from that, training in AI can also come across as costly for many aspiring AI specialists. However, in complex situations, AI machines often fail to come up with proper solutions. Their overall performance is better in repetitive work scenarios.

However, with the increased rate of AI implementation in today’s world, the fear of more people being unemployed has also increased over time. Machines are better at doing repetitive software tasks and monotonous exercises over and over again. They also have the capability to do the tasks quickly and properly which puts human intelligence behind in that race.


With the increased technological advancements, several challenges have come up, and AI machines have come to the rescue with their smart and fast-operating system. Although they have their own set of problems that people often have to deal with, the amount of work they manage to do is commendable and is more often than not as effective and well-thought-out compared to human actions. Therefore, today’s world cannot do without artificial intelligence considering how in so many fields it has made the whole experience better.


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Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chains Sat, 31 Jul 2021 10:52:15 +0000 High-tech innovation, including artificial intelligence (AI), has increased the productivity of supply chains and distribution

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High-tech innovation, including artificial intelligence (AI), has increased the productivity of supply chains and distribution networks by speeding up, simplifying, and, most importantly, automating operational processes.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are already reshaping the supply chain industry, magnifying the divide between winners and losers. 


  • Accurate Inventory Management
  • Warehouse Efficiency
  • Enhanced Safety
  • Better Customer Service
  • Reduced Operational Costs
  • On-time Delivery
  • Prediction of Industry Trends
  • The Rise of Autonomous Vehicles


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning enable enterprise-wide visibility into all aspects of the supply chain, with precision and methods that humans cannot replicate at scale. 

AI in supply chains enables the delivery of powerful optimization capabilities necessary for

  • More precise capacity planning
  • Increased productivity
  • High quality
  • Lower costs
  • Increased output

Before drilling down into the specifics of AI’s role in supply chain management, let us briefly discuss the following: 

What is Artificial Intelligence? 

AI refers to computers’ ability to perform tasks usually associated with intelligent beings. 

Simply put, AI can perform tasks identical to those performed by humans in terms of “software performance,” but on significantly more powerful hardware. 

Furthermore, unlike humans, AI machines are capable of processing massive amounts of data in real-time.

Let’s see the benefits of Artificial Intelligence on the Supply Chain.

Accurate Inventory Management 

Accurate inventory management ensures that items enter and exit a warehouse in the proper sequence. 

Due to the numerous variables involved, such as receipting, order processing, and packing and shipping, it is typically a very time-consuming job with a high probability of error. 

What is the purpose of inventory management? 

Inventory management is critical for avoiding overstocking, insufficient inventory, and unexpected stock-outs.

Due to their capacity for handling large amounts of data, AI systems are a critical component of effective inventory management. 

These intelligent systems can rapidly analyze and interpret massive datasets, providing timely and accurate guidance on forecasting supply and demand, especially in recent global events.

Additionally, AI systems equipped with intelligent algorithms are capable of detecting consumer habits. 

For years, researchers have been testing with artificial intelligence to forecast trends and seasonal demand. 

This application of artificial intelligence can assist businesses in anticipating future customer demand trends while minimizing the costs associated with excess inventory.

Warehouse Efficiency

Supply chain management begins in the warehouse. 

If it is not functioning correctly, you will rarely perform at the highest level of professional competence and satisfy the customers’ needs.

Once again, AI can assist you with this by automating warehouse procedures.

A well-run warehouse is critical to the supply chain, and automation can aid in the timely retrieval of items from warehouses and ensure a seamless journey to the customer. 

Additionally, AI systems can resolve various warehouse issues faster and more accurately than humans can and simplify complex procedures and expedite work. 

Further, AI-driven automation efforts can significantly reduce the need for and cost of warehouse staff.

Enhanced Safety

Automated systems enable more intelligent planning and management of warehouses, thereby increasing worker and material safety. 

AI can analyze data on workplace safety and alert operators to potential hazards. 

Additionally, it can track stocking parameters and notify operators when necessary. 

With all of these feedback loops and proactive maintenance, businesses can respond quickly and decisively to ensure warehouses remain secure and compliant with safety standards.

Better Customer Service

Automation has had a more significant impact on customer service than anywhere else. 

Consumers have become accustomed to online, interactive Conversation interfaces, or chatbots, which have become standard on eCommerce websites. 

Chatbots offer a slew of business benefits, including enhanced customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, as well as lower transaction costs and shorter sales cycle times.

As customer service agents, AI-powered chatbots are ready 24/7. They can respond to up to 80% of routine questions, reduce customer service costs, and accelerate response times. 

Even better, chatbots continue to learn through artificial intelligence, becoming increasingly intelligent with each conversation.

For routine transactions such as putting orders and similar requests, customers are more likely to interact with a chatbot than with a human employee. 

Additionally, chatbots can provide an unexpected level of complexity regarding order and shipment status, pricing, stock availability, and supplier status.

Reduced Operational Costs

One of the main benefits of implementing AI systems in supply chains is reducing operational costs across the distribution chain. 

From customer service to warehouse operations, many processes are now automated, with intelligent machines taking humans. 

Additionally, these machines can operate without error for an extended period, reducing the number of mistakes and workplace incidents.

Warehouse robots operate at a higher rate of speed and accuracy than humans. 

After receiving the order, the robot locates, picks, and packs the desired goods according to the instructions, resulting in increased productivity.

On-time Delivery

AI systems can reduce reliance on manual effort, thereby speeding up, securing, and smartening up the entire process. 

This enables on-time delivery to the customer following the commitment. Automated warehouse procedures thereby eliminate operational bottlenecks throughout the value chain with minimal effort to meet delivery targets.

Prediction of Industry Trends

The most beneficial aspect of AI systems is learning from each transaction, whether it involves a chatbot, emails, text messages, or user feedback. 

AI systems can maintain comprehensive records and continuously analyze data about a customer’s specifications, informing specified users of the results. 

Thus, business owners can efficiently plan for future customer needs by taking data-driven actions quickly.

The Rise of Autonomous Vehicles

Proactive supply chain operators are already investing in autonomous vehicles powered by artificial intelligence. 

It’s a relatively new technology that has the potential to significantly differentiate market leaders from their less agile competitors, as self-driving trucks significantly improve efficiency.

With autonomous vehicles at your disposal, transportation becomes more straightforward and faster, allowing you to reduce your workforce to an absolute minimum. 

According to the report, autonomous trucks are gaining traction in US logistics. Still, the trend will only continue to grow in size and influence in the coming years.


Supply chain management is a complex business with numerous variables that benefit significantly from adopting AI systems to enhance productivity and improve customer service. 

Automation is the wave of the future, from streamlining time-consuming warehouse procedures to providing real-time order updates without the requirement for a phone call.

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AI is Already Creating an Impact on These Industries Mon, 19 Jul 2021 03:16:33 +0000 Thanks to constant advancements in machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) has grown tremendously over the

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Thanks to constant advancements in machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) has grown tremendously over the past few years. As of today, data collection software, chatbots, and virtual assistants have become integral components in the infrastructure of businesses.

Given that these tools provide a cost-effective way to streamline one’s operations, it’s only right that they’re gaining traction amongst various industries.

If you’re looking for ways to scale your business, then you should harness the power of AI. Automating menial tasks in your workflow will reduce your overhead expenses while enabling you to focus on more urgent matters. But before you search for solutions, it’s important to understand how AI is transforming different sectors.

How Artificial Intelligence Has Revolutionized These 6 Industries

From improving customer interactions to predicting client behaviors, the guide below will discuss the impact of AI.

  1. Customer Service

Customer service teams deal with enormous amounts of pressure daily. The ever-growing volume of customer concerns can make it difficult for agents to provide high-quality support. Luckily, artificial intelligence can effectively solve this dilemma through the introduction of self-service options.

Instead of queuing in line and waiting for an agent to solve their dilemma, chatbots can give customers instant answers. This is very useful since it will free up your agents’ schedules and allow them to focus on complex inquiries. Chatbots can also easily collect data to help you serve and understand your customers better.

  1. E-commerce

Artificial intelligence is highly evident in online retail platforms. Today, analytics tools can already predict the products that a customer is most likely to purchase. By analyzing their browsing behaviors and purchase history, AI can make it easy for businesses to spot patterns and market the right products.

  1. Finance

Professionals in the financial sector are using artificial intelligence to personalize their services. Nowadays, advisors leverage analytics tools and virtual assistants to accurately predict market patterns and better understand the investment preferences of their clients. Instead of having the same approach for every customer, AI enables firms to provide tailor-fit advice.

  1. Healthcare

Apart from administering treatment to patients, healthcare professionals are also required to perform administrative tasks. Since encoding patient data can take a lot of time and effort, these barriers prevent them from accommodating more patients.

The good news is automation programs can solve this issue by lessening the burden of physicians. Since they won’t have to manage through loads of paperwork, they’ll be able to serve more patients at a much faster pace.

At the same time, pairing AI with other tools such as blockchain makes it easier for doctors to track a person’s medical history. As these technologies evolve, AI will naturally improve and save more lives.

  1. Marketing

AI use is prevalent across digital marketing channels. Agencies are making use of data collection software, email automation programs, and other AI tools to segment their audience and ensure efficient ad placement. By leveraging their customers’ demographics, interests, and preferences, marketers will have an easier time reaching the right people.

  1. Human Resources

HR professionals deal with many repetitive tasks. Since data encoding, talent acquisition, and other manual processes can be very taxing, managers should spend their energy efficiently. Considering its potential benefits on a company’s workload, AI’s impact on HR should not be undermined.

AI tools can help HR practitioners through the automation of certain assignments. For example, instead of doing extensive research in the talent market, headhunters can use AI to identify compensation levels, find top talent, and conduct comprehensive candidate assessments.

If your company needs to fill vacancies as soon as possible, using AI tools will ramp up your recruitment process.

Harness the Power of Artificial Intelligence

As the world shifts towards the digital space, AI’s relevance will continue to grow. While it has yet to undergo mainstream adoption, more businesses are starting to see its benefits and looking to implement it in their operations. Now that you’re aware of what AI brings to the table, the points above should convince you to invest in artificial intelligence tools.

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Artificial Intelligence of Things: How AI Can Make IoT Business Solutions Work to Their Fullest Sat, 17 Jul 2021 05:32:31 +0000 The Internet of Things (IoT) is an ever-expanding collection of Internet-connected devices — from smartphones

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is an ever-expanding collection of Internet-connected devices — from smartphones to sensor-equipped industrial robots. They can transmit and receive data thanks to this connectivity, which allows them to perform a wide range of tasks for daily life and business. IoT has become so popular that researchers at the International Data Corporation (IDC) anticipate that by 2025, there will be 55.7 billion connected devices in use, with 75% of them connected to an IoT platform.

Many workplaces have embraced the Internet of Things. Irrespective of your industry, IoT devices are likely to play a part in your company’s success. IoT may be used in a variety of ways, from basic things like smart lightbulbs for a more efficient office environment, to more complicated things like a network of industrial equipment identifying quality control flaws in a manufacturing process. Despite this, just 73% of company data is used for analytics.

Most businesses fail to obtain and analyze information from IoT devices due to the enormous volume of data, obsolete or erroneous data gathering technology, and improper analytics methods.

The Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is a potent combination of connected devices and intelligent data processing algorithms. Here’s everything you need to know.

There are Two Categories of Artificial Intelligence of Things

  • Microsoft Azure IoT, Amazon AWS IoT, and PTC ThingWorx are examples of data analytics platforms. These platforms enable IoT developers to create a full infrastructure that supports the logic of cyber-physical systems and integrates it with AI services via APIs.
  • Surveillance cameras and self-driving cars are examples of intelligent edge devices. These devices have strong processors that filter out “status data,” analyze essential data locally, and bulk-upload sensor readings to the cloud at regular intervals.

AIoT Solutions That are Changing the World

  • Voice assistants. Virtual digital assistants like Siri, Alexa, Google Home, and Cortana use AI to recognize and respond to voice commands. Operating devices via voice commands is the most natural form of human-machine interaction. To integrate natural language processing (NLP) capabilities into IoT systems, developers use pre-trained AI services like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa. 
  • Security systems. Prior to AIoT, CCTV cameras were passive, which meant security professionals had to watch live footage 24 hours a day, seven days a week to avoid accidents and combat crime. IT firms relieve governmental agencies, enterprises, and property owners of this burden by teaching Machine Learning algorithms to detect objects and persons in video footage. 
  • Automated inspection solutions. Drones and artificial intelligence are a match made in technology heaven. Ground-level operators can get a human-like eye in the sky by combining AI’s real-time machine learning technology with the exploratory capabilities of unmanned drones.
  • Self-driving vehicles. Self-driving cars are the primary example of AIoT solutions where smart algorithms interpret real-time data coming from in-vehicle cameras, lidar and radar sensors, and cloud services. AI has enabled us to automate a great deal of manual labor that previously required some level of human expertise or skill. In the case of self-driving automobiles, AI can assist in functions such as automatically recognizing people and other cars around the vehicle, switching lanes, and following the GPS to reach the destination.
  • Predictive equipment maintenance. An hour of unexpected equipment downtime may cost up to $260,000 in sectors like industrial manufacturing and oil & gas. Predictive maintenance solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) help distill raw industrial sensor data into useful insights and predict equipment breakdowns. Predictive maintenance solutions, according to Deloitte, can cut total equipment maintenance costs by 5-10% while increasing equipment availability by 10-20%.
  • Remote patient monitoring (RPM) solutions. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, more healthcare providers are relying on technology to free up space for critically ill patients, safeguard hospital workers from the coronavirus, and reduce operational costs..

Choosing an AIoT implementation strategy

To employ a proper AIoT solution, one has to understand the gadget’s performance requirements.

CPUs capable of doing data analysis closer to the network’s edge were previously scarce. However, the chip industry has made significant progress and is now lowering CPU costs while keeping great performance. The only problem that hardware makers have yet to address is CPU flexibility. Artificial Intelligence of Things solutions can take various shapes and applications, and hence have varying performance needs. To grow AIoT solutions, we need integrated circuits that can support a variety of computing functions, such as AI-driven data analysis, digital signal processing, and remote device control, among others.

IoT Doesn’t Make Devices Smart—AI Does

Without a mobile app, there’s no way you could view your body composition data from a Bluetooth smart scale. And while Alexa is good at shuffling playlists on Spotify, if you need to book a flight, you’d better double-check the information from a PC or smartphone.

Why AI is the Internet of Things’ Missing Element

  • In 2019, IoT Analytics published a comprehensive review of the IoT startup landscape. Seven out of ten companies that topped the IoT startup list specialize in AI, data science, and analytics.
  • 70% of companies that use Artificial Intelligence obtain AI capabilities through cloud platforms—and that’s where IoT data dwells anyway.
  • Thanks to 5G rollouts, the number of IoT devices could reach 41 billion units by 2027 (up from just 8 billion in 2019).
  • AI algorithms create operational forecasts 20 times faster and with more accuracy than traditional business intelligence (BI) solutions.

When integrated, IoT and AI help businesses maximize ROI on their IoT investments in a variety of ways, including: 

  • Automating time-consuming tasks that were previously carried out by humans
  • Detecting inefficiencies in their workflows
  • Monitoring equipment performance to prevent failures
  • Improving employee safety
  • Improving customer experience

By 2022, AI will be present in 80% of commercial IoT implementations. If you are considering implementing an IoT solution today, make sure it is AI compatible. If you’re developing a bespoke Machine Learning model, consider how it might benefit from IoT data and communication.

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The Implications of Artificial Intelligence for Small Businesses Mon, 05 Jul 2021 03:17:22 +0000 Introduction Unless you are completely off the grid, AI is likely to influence some part

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Unless you are completely off the grid, AI is likely to influence some part of your daily life, whether you realize it or not. According to a recent global consumer survey, only 33% of technology users believe they use an AI-enabled product or service, one way or the other.

Have you ever wondered how your phone autocompletes words while you type a text message? Or the speed at which digital assistants on an internet chatbot respond to your queries?

Artificial intelligence is the answer. AI is all over these days, and it’s only becoming more dominant.

Artificial intelligence is revamping how business models function. Just take a good peek into our personal lives! It’s not only the mega-organizations with large finances, but AI is also predominant in small businesses of various industries.

What is Artificial Intelligence or AI?

Artificial intelligence or AI is a computation strategy of programming machines or devices to execute activities or reply to queries in a human-like manner. AI can produce being-like reactions by gathering thousands of data points and establishing rules (say, an algorithm) for the problem-solving process based on human neural networks.

It has been around since the late 1950s, even though it appears to be a new technology. AI is known by various names, including machine learning, deep learning, and cognitive computing, depending on the processes they utilise to be implemented.

How AI can assist you in running a smarter small business

While it may seem that artificial intelligence is only used by large corporations such as Google or Microsoft, contrary to this popular belief, these mega-corporations invest millions of dollars in developing AI to bring it to the general population. Consequently, it is fast becoming a valuable and inexpensive asset for small enterprises.

Let’s run you through how you can use machine intelligence to turn the tide for your startup’s efficiency and profitability.

●  Sales

AI can assist

You can’t talk about marketing without mentioning its rightful counterpart, sales. Because there is so much overlap across these business areas, it isn’t easy to separate them like two peas in a pod.

Artificial intelligence for sales is a well-established notion that goes hand in hand with AI for marketing. Owing to that, it’s another extraordinary method to get into the field of AI without feeling overwhelmed.

●  Marketing


For years, Artificial Intelligence has played a crucial role in marketing sectors. For startups, AI is a reliable concept to turbo up a notch!

There are several Email marketing tools available that can help you to integrate into modern POS systems and eCommerce platforms. You may use the tools to build segmented or more streamlined email lists. It helps you break down physical and online customer lists into smaller groups, such as by demographic region.

Segregating your email lists will allow you to send more personalized emails to your customers. For example, if you’re organizing a special event in your store, sending an email to out-of-state customers might not seem to be the best bang for your buck, isn’t it?

Automation can be used to take a calculative leap further. You may use email automation to construct emails that are sent automatically in response to a subscriber’s action, inactivity, or a certain date.

A programmed reaction is triggered when a subscriber makes a specific action. This continues until the potential client gets converted to a customer.

●   Personalized User Experience

Personalized User Experience

You can also utilise AI tools to track users as they navigate your website and analyse their behaviour.

These precious insights can assist you in providing more personalised customer knowledge because stats suggest that 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase if brands offer personalized experiences.

●  Customer Support

Customer Support

It is not the end of the world if you don’t have a dedicated sales team. There are enough tools available to fill up the gap. For instance, a popular sales tactic is utilising chatbots. They pop up and emerge when a user visits your webpage to offer discounts and attend to their queries.

Chatbots are equivalent to having sales staff appointed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is by far the most promising communication medium that handles 68.9% of the chats from start to finish, with a customer satisfaction rate of 87.58%.

●  Risk Management

Risk Management

Reduced risk is essential for small firms just getting off the ground, especially during the present economic downturn. AI may be extremely useful for small firms that require specialised and accurate predictions due to its focus on pattern recognition and trend forecasting.

Because startups have limited cash buffers, a miscalculation, a late payment, or even rapid development can result in a fatal liquidity shortage. Cash flow planners can help small businesses anticipate their daily cash flow 90 days in advance, which can assist in managing this problem. Small business owners can utilise these to forecast outgoing expenses 90 days in advance.

These planners can recommend short-term financing algorithms. Other perks include deferring a bill or generating an invoice instead of relying on an employee to do it.

●  Simplified Human Resource Task

Simplified Human Resource Task

Finally, let’s discuss a less obvious sector of business where AI is steadily making inroads — Human Resources (HR). Candidate screening and staff communication aren’t often thought of as having the same direct consequence on a company’s bottom line as sales and marketing.

However, recruiting is a crucial expenditure, and employee turnover can have a significant financial impact on an organisation that’s just starting up.

AI-powered tools can help you swiftly sift through hundreds of resumes in no time. With negligible to no errors, you can cherry-pick the most promising applicants. How convenient is that?

Wrapping Up

The AI industry could be worth more than $15.7 trillions by 2030. However, the technology adoption heavily depends on the knowledge base industries and the academia can nurture. Thus, Students and Professionals become a critical driver of this paradigm shift, that benefits them as well with innumerous job opportunities.

On the other hand, it is just as essential for smaller firms to adapt to changing realities as AI offers them the chance to compete on an equal footing with the larger firms. For now, AI is perceived as an edge over the competitors, but in the years to come it would become the quintessential phenomena determining who survives and who does not.

Thus, small firms should actively explore AI solutions and leverage this technology to its fullest potential. With the benefit of no side effects, AI is the best thing ever since sliced bread.

About Ankush Singla:
Ankush Singla, who is the Co-founder of Coding Ninjas, built the company three years ago into a
leading Ed-tech platform in India multi-folding its growth and unleashed the magic of technology by
training young aspirants across sectors. His leadership shines through giving new dimensions to techeducation in India by creating a state-of-the-art learning management platform to deliver world-class learning experience for students. A machine learning expert, Ankush has carved a niche for himself in
the Ed-tech sector with an expertise in new-age technology. Prior to Coding Ninjas, he was associated
with global brands such as Facebook and Amazon. Throughout his career, Ankush has focused on
enhancing skills especially to bridge the gap required for a career in technology.

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Future of Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce Industry Sat, 19 Jun 2021 02:42:05 +0000 Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized processes in almost every industry. The retail industry hasn’t stayed

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized processes in almost every industry. The retail industry hasn’t stayed behind in implementing AI to enhance its customer experience. The global market size of AI in retail was ascertained to be 3.01 billion USD in 2019 and is projected to reach 23.32 billion USD by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 29.6% during the forecast period.

AI has been a boom to both customers and retailers participating in the eCommerce industry. This technology helps e-commerce companies to analyze data and offer a personalized experience to their customers. AI further provides retailers with innovations such as virtual buying assistants that refine customer experience (CX) even further. AI applications today are capable of analyzing data provided by the customer to predict their future purchasing patterns and make product suggestions. This improvement in CX holds the key to establish a successful online business.

According to Gartner, 85% of the customers manage their relationship with eCommerce companies without interacting with a human.

With chats, emails, and calls now being routed to automated systems, these numbers will only go up in the future. Let us now understand the impact of AI in the e-commerce industry and analyze how things can change in the upcoming years.

Stated below are the top 5 ways in which artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the domain of eCommerce –

  • Advanced Visual Search

Advanced visual search is a boon for all the eCommerce clothing and home decor companies. This technology uses screenshots, photographs, internet images to provide accurate online search results.

With the average users’ attention span reducing at an alarming rate, AI-driven visual search algorithms will play a crucial role in the eCommerce industry, especially in this digital era of image-based social media platforms. The advent of visual search technology has made the life of eCommerce users easy, as it allows them to search for similar products by uploading an image of a product.

  • Personalized Recommendations 

The recommended section of an eCommerce website exhibits their buying patterns and preferences. AI is responsible for this, as it makes smart recommendations after tracking the user and analyzing their data.

Let’s suppose that you are buying gym gloves from an eCommerce website. Now, the AI-powered suggestions will show you other gym paraphernalia such as gym belts or protein powder.

These targeted recommendations make it convenient for a buyer to make multiple purchases that they might require seamlessly, making it a profitable enterprise for the eCommerce website.

  • Voice Assistance

With innovation in AI, many new technologies have come to the fore, enhancing the customer experience for eCommerce companies. Voice assistance, one of the most prominent technologies, enables customers to save time and effort by allowing them to look for their product without the inconvenience of typing. This trend can be quantified by the fact that 62% of smart speaker owners in 2020 used their devices to make online purchases.

Since smart devices have become an integral part of our lifestyle, a voice interface is essential to take the next step in smoothening the eCommerce experience. Placing orders using natural speech has many advantages over typing as it allows the user to do multiple tasks rather than concentrating on typing, it’s also faster than any of the conventional methods, making it a requisite for the advancement of the eCommerce industry.

  • Automated product descriptions

Product information and customer reviews are indispensable for a user to make purchase decisions. A recent market survey showcased that around 87% of the people shopping online spend time going through the product descriptions before adding the product to their cart.

So, if the product description is not available, a visitor is more likely to move on to other sources, regardless of the quality of the image.

On the flip side, writing descriptions for an ever-growing product inventory can also become an ordeal. This issue can be resolved with the help of AI, as AI is capable of formulating details for millions of products and optimizing their description for better search results.

AI does more than just copying information from the manufacturer’s website; it combs the entire internet to find relevant facts about the product in the store and note the most prominent features to optimize search results.

  • Automation in Warehouse

With customers opting for same-day or next-day delivery, it has become essential to automate processes in warehouses.

In addition to this, eCommerce companies have seen a rapid increase in order volumes. Meeting such enormous demands has become almost impossible for warehouses with their old practices. AI-based testing and inventory management that work 24×7 without taking breaks or sick leaves have become a mainstay in these warehouses to tackle these issues.

Robots can communicate with the warehouse management software to complete an order without any human involvement. Smart robots can do almost anything but drive a delivery truck. But with the advancements being made by companies such as Tesla, even that reality doesn’t seem distant.

In a nutshell

AI will perform all the tedious tasks that are essential for the functioning of an eCommerce business. It will provide sellers with information about the behavior of their customers, allowing eCommerce companies to target them effectively.

AI-based technology allows eCommerce companies to provide a personalized experience, ultimately boosting their sales and improving their user retention.

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Electric Vehicles & Artificial Intelligence Fri, 04 Jun 2021 01:00:01 +0000  Electric vehicles are at the forefront of tackling climate change. Many car companies have already

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 Electric vehicles are at the forefront of tackling climate change. Many car companies have already started the transformation. This changing industry will have new technology popping up around every corner! Companies such as Jaguar have announced they will only be producing electric cars from 2025. Volvo is soon to follow by 2030. It’s exciting to discover just how different the cars on our roads will be in just a decade! Driverless vehicles may have seemed impossible but today, it’s very much a reality! Artificial Intelligence has already begun enhancing the features of electric cars, but just how does it work?

Tesla is the biggest name in the electric vehicle industry. So it’s no surprise that Elon Musk has decided to start working on his own Artificial Intelligence hardware. It’s also reassuring to know he is CEO of OpenAI an organization that produces research into the safety of AI. One of the biggest ways Artificial Intelligence is being used in the electric vehicle industry is self-driving cars. At the moment Elon Musk claims Tesla is nearing the finish line and their vehicles will soon be completely autonomous. On Tesla’s website, they state “We develop and deploy autonomy at scale. We believe that an approach based on advanced AI for vision and planning, supported by efficient use of interference software is the only way to achieve a general solution of full-self driving”.

Artificial Intelligence doesn’t just mean a self-driving car. Google, for instance, is using Artificial Intelligence to plan car journeys that will locate available charging stations. Electric vehicles are becoming more popular so the need for charging stations has also increased. Google’s version of Artificial Intelligence is trying to combat this. Whilst they can’t just magic new stations, it is a way to save time.

Another way Tesla is planning to use Artificial Intelligence is by using AI integrated chips. These will help cars weave their way through freeways and even traffic! Whilst Tesla hasn’t managed to deliver on their promise of self-driving cars by the end of 2019, they certainly haven’t stopped following their vision.

Zoox has its own ideas for self-driving vehicles using AI. They want to develop a type of robotic rideshare taking customers from point A to point B. Could you imagine getting into your ride with no driver! Waymo however, is already giving out test drives of their autonomous vehicles in Phoenix! Their Artificial Intelligence detects pedestrians, cars, cyclists and other objects up to 300 yards away. It has 360-degree Perception Technology.

At Stanford University, William Chueh has been looking at other ways to develop the use of Artificial Intelligence. He has been looking at ways AI can increase the longevity of the electric vehicle. He is trying to do this by advancing the battery recharge, which in turn should enhance the battery’s lifespan.

Artificial Intelligence is still fairly new. There are constant ways AI is being advanced to better electric vehicles in the future. For now, most companies are firmly focused on using AI for self-driving electric vehicles. But there are still so many ways AI is being advanced and we can only speculate on what this may mean in the future.

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How Artificial Intelligence Innovations are Used in the Fitness Industry Mon, 31 May 2021 13:32:34 +0000 When you look around yourself today, every process around you is governed by some sort

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When you look around yourself today, every process around you is governed by some sort of technology. Automated machinery, smart monitoring processes, state-of-the-art apps, and others are some prime elements that have almost transformed every industry sector for good.

One of the key technologies that have taken deep roots in various industry sectors is Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence, or AI as a market, was valued at $39.9 billion in 2019. Moreover, it is expected to grow at a tremendous CAGR of 42.2% from 2020-2027.

This massive growth of AI has led to widespread adoption, especially in the fitness industry. You may not know this, but there are over 37,000 fitness apps on Google Play. Many of these are AI-based and can also be connected to smart devices.

Let’s take a dig at the various aspects of AI in fitness!

Smart wearables

If you have a smartwatch or smart band, then you are already on the radar of AI. But AI is not just limited to smartwatches and smart bands. Yes, they are the most adopted devices. However, there are many other advanced wearables that work on the microscopic level to assist the fitness freaks.

For example, various bands from MI, Apple, Samsung, etc., help in live tracking of various body vitals. Here are some great examples of other smart wearables:

  • Ambiotex: The brand’s trail-blazing smart shirt has a brilliant internal system that provides valuable health insights to the users. The combination of built-in sensors and clip-on box records stores data such as heart rate variation, fitness level, stress levels, etc.

An athlete can view this data on the smartphone app that also provides them with training programs. One can quickly analyze this data for optimized training results.

  • Athos: Athos is also an excellent monitoring system for your body. It comes with smart clothing made of woven and a patented system that helps you know how hard your body muscles are working during the workout.

The system tracks heart rate, muscle effort, and breathing. Further, it presents this information in an app that has AI, which can help you train better and avoid injuries. The smart clothes made by Athos work on the principle of Electromyography.

  • Nadi X Yoga Pants: Developed by the Australian startup Wearable X, Nadi X Yoga Pants can help in identifying the correctness of your yoga pose. The pants send small vibrations to the various parts of your legs that need adjustment via haptic feedback.

Moreover, they also generate pulses at knees, ankles, and hips to encourage users to move or adjust their position. The yoga pants can also be linked to an app on your phone via Bluetooth. The app provides extra information to the users using AI, such as yoga pose optimization, personal yoga class, etc.

These are just some of the basic examples. Apart from these, there are many other smart wearables that serve as an excellent example of AI in fitness. Another crucial thing to keep in check is that fitness app development is necessary for all of these. We will explore more about this further!

Personal Trainers and Fitness Applications

AI in fitness is basically controlled by software. Every piece of the smart device has an application at the backend that performs complex calculations and comparisons to provide valuable insights. Fitness apps are the same.

They collect user data and run deep analysis on that and produce optimum results to take action on. Most of the collected user data is about user vitals like breathing rate, muscle mass, heart rate, and even images. hese applications are also known as digital personal trainers or personal training client tracking software that run entirely based on AI concepts like machine learning, neural networks, etc.

Let us take a look at some of these applications:

  • Kaia: Kaia is an innovative AI-powered virtual personal training app. The uses of the app are countless. One of the primary use is real-time motion tracking of user actions and movements while exercising. The app uses the phone camera and a 16-point system that compares the movements of the user with those of the ideal movements and positions.

Based on this, it creates fitness plans and provides real-time audio feedback to enhance the user’s performance.

  • Freeletics: Freeletics is one of those AI-powered fitness apps that is widely used by people around the world. The reason behind this is pretty straightforward. The app leverages the power of machine learning and data mining to generate highly effective workout programs for its users.

Backed by ML, the app requests the users for basic information like age, gender, and potential goal.

Based on the cross-referencing of the obtained data with its database (consisting of millions of users and their workouts), Freeletics curates unique workout regimes for its users.

Not only this, but the app also permits the users to give feedback and tracks their progress. Further, it also suggests the user’s workouts based on their satisfaction and equipment type.

Hence, if you plan to develop a fitness app, do integrate AI into it.

AI in Diet

Fitness app development is not just limited to workouts and exercises. To keep your body fit, it is equally necessary to maintain a diet. Here are some apps that can help you with it!

  • HealthifyMe: It is an Indian AI-powered fitness and dietary app that addresses the queries of its users and provides them with food recommendations based on that. The app assistant named ”Ria” leverages user information acquired from their smart devices to curate diet plans and adjust them if needed.

Besides this, Fitgenie and Nutrino are also prime app examples of the fitness app development sector that can help fitness enhancement.

Wrap Up!

To develop a fitness app is not an easy job. However, if you have an ingenious idea that can help people boost their overall health and fitness, it is worth a try. Moreover, it is necessary to acknowledge that you have to integrate AI into it if you develop a fitness app as it is a booming market. It will surely cost more but will also yield remarkable results.

Author Bio

Name: Robert Jackson

Robert Jackson is content cum digital marketer at Solution Analyst, a leading Healthcare app development company. He is an avid reader and likes to remain updated for technological advancements in the domains of web, mobility, IoT, and emerging technologies. His articles are informative and interesting at the same time as he expresses insightful thoughts clearly.

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Feature selection and machine learning: Deep diving into various methodologies for eliminating irrelevant features Sat, 01 May 2021 02:25:31 +0000 Introduction As artificial intelligence and machine learning address the larger challenges of solving the most

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As artificial intelligence and machine learning address the larger challenges of solving the most herculean tasks, the importance of data analytics gains prominence. For instance, data analytics in the corporate sector involves dealing with a large number of records that involve different types of features. To extract the most relevant features from an ocean of digital information is what we talk about in this article.


The two most important aspects of feature learning that we focus on here are feature representation and feature selection. We aim to select the most prominent features in usage for data representation. At the same time, we aim to select the most relevant elements based on these features to drive the learning model. It needs to be noted at this point that we use both labeled and unlabeled data in the learning process.

The challenge with irrelevant features

To speak broadly, we can bifurcate the process of concept modeling into feature selection and feature combination. Before the selection of relevant features, it is necessary to eliminate the irrelevant ones. One of the most prominent approaches to eliminate the irrelevant features is to use induction algorithms. These algorithms help in downscaling many such irrelevant features. This allows the sample complexity to increase gradually with the increase in the number of features present. This also boosts the performance of the model. For instance, in a text classification problem, we may take a large number of features so that all the attributes are accommodated in the sample space. For the elimination of irrelevant features, the nearest neighbor method may be used. This method works by tracking the nearest stored attribute to form relevant subsets and allows us to eliminate those with insufficient information.

Heuristic search methodology

This is one of the most prominent methods which is taught in many ai and machine learning courses to eliminate a large number of irrelevant attributes. In this method, each state in the sample space specifies a category of relevant features. By this method, we can classify different feature selection tasks with the help of four elements that determine the nature of the heuristic analysis.

Embedded methodology for feature selection

This particular type of methodology relies on the usage of basic induction algorithms and the greedy set-cover algorithm to not only add or remove but also modify features in an extract. We also make use of partial ordering in this method to organize various elements in the sample space for effective search.

Other types of methods which can be employed for feature selection include the filter approach and wrapper approach. We can also make use of feature weighting methods to extract relevant features.

Concluding remarks

The process of feature selection is one of the most important techniques when it comes to the practical usage of deep learning. Although in its nascent stage, this process can attain sufficient maturity in the coming times with the expansion of the contours of machine learning.

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