Full Stack Developers – Why Everybody Rushing to Hire At Least One?

Full Stack Developers – Why Everybody Rushing to Hire At Least One?

Full Stack developers are at the center of attention for the all round responsibilities they take in-app projects. Why full-stack developers fetch such high remuneration and demand can be easily understood by their efficiency in building both the frontend

and the backend of the app.

A developer who can take care of the entire responsibilities corresponding to both frontend and backend development obviously can reduce the time and cost for an app project. As a business, you may think, “where are the full stack app developers near me who can shape my project from start to finish?” Well, finding skilled and well-experienced full stack developers is often challenging.

Before facing this challenge, it is essential to know the key reasons for hiring full-stack developers. Understanding the leading technology stacks for full-stack development and key skills for full stack developers is also necessary.

What Exactly is a Full Stack Developer?

In software, mobile app, and web development, there are generally specialist frontend developers responsible for developing the client-side of the app or the presentation layer. The development team also consists of backend developers accountable for creating the server-side of the app of the execution layer. Alternatively, you can hire a full stack team of developers with expertise and skills for frontend and backend development. These developers having broader knowledge and all skills required for building an app from start to finish can give your development team a lot more expertise.

The coinage full stack developer refers to skilled developer talents with proven development expertise across various technology stacks. Technology stacks represent the combination of different technologies needed to develop an app from its frontend and backend. So, in layman’s terms, a full stack developer is equipped with all skills for building an app from start to end.

Key Skills for a Full Stack Developer 

A full stack developer needs to master at least one popular frontend development framework, one backend technology, and one database technology. Let’s explain these development skills briefly here below.

  • Frontend development 

Frontend or the client-side of an app encompasses the presentation layer of an app project. The critical frontend languages include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There are several leading frontend development frameworks such as Angular, ReactJS, VueJS, jQuery, and others.

  • Backend Development 

The backend development mainly deals with server side configuration, APIs, and databases. Leading backend programming languages include PHP, Java, C#, Ruby, and leading backend frameworks include .Net, NodeJS, Django, Spring, Express.js, etc.

  • Database Technology 

Database technologies are also vital parts of technology stacks, and they mainly deal with data storage, data management, data manipulation, and data removal. Leading database technologies include Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL, and PostgreSQL.

Leading Technology Stacks for Full Stack Developers 

You have a wide variety of tech stacks used across mobile app and web development projects. Many of these technology stacks passed through the test of time and are considered fundamental values thanks to the combination of frontend, backend, database, and middleware technologies they offer to developers. Let’s have a quick look at the leading technology stacks in the market.

LAMP Stack

The abbreviation LAMP represents Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP language. It is one of the oldest tech stacks, with many app projects built with it. This tech stack is open-source and provides an operating system (Linux), server technology as Apache, database technology as MySQL, and programming language PHP. Sometimes developers replace the Linux OS with Windows or macOS, called WAMP or MAMP, respectively.

MEAN Stack

MEAN technology stack, referring to the combination of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js, comes as a full JavaScript-based tech stack. At present, it is the most popular tech stack with a large and vibrant developer community. Over the years, the MEAN stack has helped developers build countless high performance and visually engaging apps.

MERN Stack

It is almost the same stack as MEAN, with the only difference being the replacement of Angular by React. React, a robust JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces and excellent single-page applications (SPA) is already the most popular JavaScript technology for frontend development.

The Value Propositions Offered by a Full Stack Developer 

The principal reason full-stack developers are so popular is their all-around ability to develop an app from start to finish. They are equally expert in dealing with the client-side and server-side development challenges. Full-stack developers easily fit in when a company needs a reliable expert with vast knowledge and skills to work across multiple domains.

Though development teams always need to have specialists, every team needs a generalist for an in-depth understanding of the entire development process. This gives more flexibility to the company as they do not need to hire separate experts for every different development job. Often a full-stack developer can deal with a smaller-scale app project without anyone else in the team.

Full-stack developers are also considered more efficient in communicating with UX designers and other developers. Though specialization is often great for completing a development task without delay and within a budget, full-stack developers with a deeper understanding of technical requirements can always develop better solutions.


Full-stack developers can be perceived as Jack of all trades, but they are often masters of several technologies, quite ironically. This is why a developer skilled at multiple technologies is famous for various web and mobile app projects across the niches. When a company needs a development team with diverse skills for various app projects, full-stack developers rightly fit such requirements. In the case of startups and small business app projects, they can also significantly bring down the development cost.


Technonguide is an IOT guide for Latest technology News, Trends, and Updates for professionals in digital marketing, social media, web analytics, content marketing, digital strategy.

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